
Shared Spaces

Shared spaces are crucial in modern workplaces, fostering innovation and connectivity. These areas enhance workplace dynamics with cultural elements, amenities, and practical solutions like privacy. As cultural hubs, they adapt to various activities and work styles, from private calls to team meetings.
Egan Visual provides versatile solutions tailored to everyday workplace needs. These spaces accommodate activities ranging from collaboration to individual focus, and from social gatherings to flexible working spots, featuring materials and designs that attract people, support evolving technology give individuals more control and choice in their work settings.

Collaboration Alcoves

Collaboration Alcoves provide private, versatile spaces for small groups to engage effectively, featuring adjustable furnishings and multiple display options.

Collaboration alcoves  are designated areas designed for focused group interaction within a secluded setting. These spaces, which can be either open or enclosed, comfortably accommodate three to four individuals. Each alcove features a height-adjustable table, complemented by various display surfaces including tackable panels, whiteboards, and video screens.

Collaboration Alcoves

Collaboration Alcoves provide private, versatile spaces for small groups to engage effectively, featuring adjustable furnishings and multiple display options.

Collaboration alcoves  are designated areas designed for focused group interaction within a secluded setting. These spaces, which can be either open or enclosed, comfortably accommodate three to four individuals. Each alcove features a height-adjustable table, complemented by various display surfaces including tackable panels, whiteboards, and video screens.

Summit Areas

Summit Areas are purpose-built for structured interactions and teamwork. These areas, which can be either enclosed or semi-open, accommodate larger groups and are equipped with a variety of display surfaces like tack boards, whiteboards, and credenzas for storage.

Conference Rooms serve as formal settings for meetings and presentations, with large, stationary tables equipped with integrated power, data, and communication outlets. Training Rooms, on the other hand, offer a more adaptable environment suitable for a range of activities from educational sessions to casual presentations, featuring modular tables and versatile seating options.

Planning Your Space With Egan Visual.

Summit Areas

Summit Areas are purpose-built for structured interactions and teamwork. These areas, which can be either enclosed or semi-open, accommodate larger groups and are equipped with a variety of display surfaces like tack boards, whiteboards, and credenzas for storage.

Conference Rooms serve as formal settings for meetings and presentations, with large, stationary tables equipped with integrated power, data, and communication outlets. Training Rooms, on the other hand, offer a more adaptable environment suitable for a range of activities from educational sessions to casual presentations, featuring modular tables and versatile seating options.

Innovative custom architectural solutions tailored for architects and designers.

EVS Technology

Discover how you can go beyond the surface with EVS Technology